Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Meeting, Mar 2021: CFP Is Open

by Carlo GutierrezMarch 18, 2021
The next virtual CF summit is scheduled for July 21–22 at 10 a.m. PDT. The deadline for proposals is until May 21, 11:59 p.m. PDT.

This month’s Cloud Foundry Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting featured major announcements from the foundation, as well as development updates around the ecosystem projects. The call was moderated by Chris Clark from the Cloud Foundry Foundation.


CF Extensions

Chris Clark

Chris is temporarily serving as a lead for Extensions PMC instead of Troy Topnik who moved on from SUSE. Now, the role of a CAB call host is open, and it’s possible to submit nominees via the cf-dev post or CAB Slack channel.

Chris also announced the formal retirement of several projects, including CF Dev, CF Swagger, SQL Server, and Brooklyn Broker.

CF Extensions’ GitHub repo


Runtime PMC

Eric Malm

Eric Malm from VMware provided the following updates:

  • The Release Integration team delivered cf-deployment v16.8.0 and cf-for-k8s v2.1.1. The team is also working with SAP and IBM to test cf-deployment against Bionic stemcells and fix bugs.
  • The KubeCF team released KubeCF v2.7.13, which includes fixes for CF Operator and dependency updates.
  • The CAPI team is finishing up the resolution of some edge cases for rolling application deployments, where an unexpected app restart can occur if a parameter is changed.
  • The Eirini team is joining efforts with the CAPI team to transition over to a custom resource definition (CRD) interface for long-running process (LRP) abstraction.
  • The Networking team is exploring HTTP/2 support in Gorouter.
  • The Diego team is refining cell-indexing to support first-fit placement weighting.
  • The Logging and Metrics team released a fix for Bionic stemcell compatibility. They are also improving component logging.



Maya Rosecrance

Maya Rosecrance from VMware reported on the following developments:

  • The BOSH team is working on improving the task cleanup memory performance.
  • Support for Postgres 13 is being added for BOSH Director.
  • bosh-dns v1.28 may require a certification change to add a subject alternative name (SAN) for Go v1.15 compliance.
  • Bionic is progressing along with support from SAP, IBM, and the rest of the community.

BOSH’s GitHub repo


Call for Proposals

The foundation has finalized the dates for the next virtual summit, which will take place on July 21–22, 2021 at 10 a.m. PDT. The Call for Proposals is open until May 21, 11:59 p.m. PDT.

Chris detailed that the foundation is also looking for interesting project updates, blog posts, tutorials, as well as ideas for live streams that will be helpful to the community. In his latest biweekly technical roundup, he noted the release of BOSH v271.6 and service-fabrik broker v0.12.2. Chris also mentioned that the videos from the recent hands-on labs—around setting up CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes and cf-protect—are already available.

Thank you to Chris for featuring our previous recap in his round-up. We are glad to contribute and spread the word about Cloud Foundry!

The next CAB call is tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2021, at 8 a.m. PDT. Anyone interested can join Cloud Foundry’s CAB or cf-operators Slack channels.


Want details? Watch the video!

This blog post was written by Carlo Gutierrez, edited by Sophia Turol and Alex Khizhniak.