
Posts Tagged ‘CAB’

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Oct 2022: Service Fabrik Broker Updates

October 24, 2022 | 1 Comment | Carlo Gutierrez
Using a metadata-based approach, Service Fabrik Broker bridges the gap between the Kubernetes custom resource-based API of operators with the OSB API.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Aug 2022: Korifi Architecture Updates

August 18, 2022 | 2 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
After the Korifi project hit v0.2.0, the engineering team is now looking to minimize the complexity of building and running alternative implementations.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Jul 2022: New Leadership and CF Day Details

July 29, 2022 | 1 Comment | Carlo Gutierrez
Catherine McGarvey of VMware joins the foundation's board, and new TOC members were elected. The CF Day is set for October 25 at KubeCon NA.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Jun 2022: Korifi Architecture

June 23, 2022 | 2 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
The meeting revealed the architecture for the Korifi project announced recently. Three new Technical Oversight Committee members have been elected.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, May 2022: Korifi Enters Beta

May 27, 2022 | 2 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
The Korifi project reaches its first major milestone. Call for nominations is currently ongoing for new Technical Oversight Committee members.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Apr 2022: The Korifi Project

April 22, 2022 | 1 Comment | Carlo Gutierrez
Bridging Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes, Korifi aims to bring the cf-push experience to container orchestration.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Mar 2022: Open Service Broker API

March 17, 2022 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
The call discussed the possibility of an in-person CF summit this year and how Rijkswaterstaat uses the Open Service Broker API to deploy external services.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Feb 2022: Jammy Jellyfish Upgrade

February 17, 2022 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
Skipping Focal Fossa enables the community to extend support for Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish. An alpha release of the stemcell was already published.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Jan 2022: Feedback Around Buildpacks

January 20, 2022 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
Community members recommended additions to the Paketo buildpacks roadmap, including expanding beyond Ubuntu, facilitating security, etc.

Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Dec 2021: The Log4j Vulnerability

December 20, 2021 | 0 Comments | Carlo Gutierrez
The vulnerability led to malicious remote code execution in some environments and local code execution in all the environments.