Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Meeting, Jul 2017: cf-deployment Is 3 Weeks Out

Big improvement looms
“It enables continuous deployment.” Thus, came the operative words from David Sabeti of Pivotal regarding the new cf-deployment
details, as reported in this month’s Cloud Foundry Advisory Board call.
As usual, IBM’s Dr. Max ran the call, which also included project updates about BOSH, BOSH Backup and Restore (BBR), and other aspects of Cloud Foundry.
cf-deployment updates
David Sabeti discussed and demoed cf-deployment
during the April CAB call. This time out, he said the team had validated the project with vSphere, OpenStack, and Microsoft Azure. The general release is “realistically three weeks out,” as David noted, but continues to seek feedback about the project at large and the schedule in particular.
Its predecessor, cf-release
, is in deprecation, and users are encouraged to embrace cf-deployment
. The deprecation plan is now available.
One of the cf-deployment's
fundamental aspects is creation of a canonical manifest to simplify manifest generation and eliminate the need for individual manifest scripts in cf-release
. This is supposed to enable a culture of continuous deployment to be created within enterprises who migrate to cf-deployment
. It also integrates with CredHub.
Pivotal’s Dmitriy Kalinin reported on BOSH, and said the team was working to “make deploys a lot more granular.” By this, he means getting it to look only at specific instances users want to look at, rather than several that may be running. According to Dmitriy, this update “should improve general deploy workflows.”
BOSH Backup and Restore
Dr. Max reported on the BBR proposal, which he said is in its final process stages. There will be a vote on it at the end of this week.

There is an online demo available, as well as an the project’s overview with a rather incendiary metaphor by Therese Stowell and Jatin Naik of Pivotal.
CAPI, c2c, and Istio/Envoy
Pivotal’s Dieu Cao mentioned a few things regarding aspects of Cloud Foundy with which she’s involved:
- CAPI will have a an app-related v3 end points GA soon, with “new CF CLI commands available making use of those end points for
cf push
and providing smaller building block commands that make up parts of the push, so users have greater control over orchestration of their app,” she said. - c2c will be proposing to go from incubating to active in the Runtime PMC
- There are investigations into Istio/Envoy, and the team is looking to use it for ensuring routing integrity (according to its GitHub repo, “Istio is an open platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies, and aggregate telemetry data.” It is built on the Envoy microservice. Dieu said the team is “also interested in it for service discovery and our interest in Istio’s Mixer component.”
For more news about the community, Abby Kearns of the Cloud Foundry Foundation has just posted a summary of July updates, “From the Desk of the Executive Director.”
What’s next?
The next CAB call will be held on Wednesday, August 16, starting at 8 a.m. Pacific Time. The calls last strictly one hour, and all members of the community are urged to learn about them and attend via the CAB’s Slack channel.