
All posts by Sergey Bushik

Cloud Platforms: enStratus

August 10, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik...
This blog post overviews enStratus—a solution that provides infrastructure management across multiple cloud providers.

Cloud Platforms: Windows Azure—Ideal Cloud Architecture for .NET Developers

August 9, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik
This blog post focuses on the functionality of Microsoft’s Windows Azure cloud operating system, its drawbacks, and recommended use.

A Pluggable Cloud Storage with ScaleDB

August 6, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik...
This blog post overviews available functionality in ScaleDB, usage scenarios, and potential issues.

Cloud Platforms: Amazon EC2—Extremely Scalable Cloud Computing Environment

August 5, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik...
This blog post focuses on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), its capabilities, and some challenges a user may encounter.

Cloud Platforms: Scalable Cloud Computing Hosting with GoGrid

August 3, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik...
This blog post explores GoGrid, a cloud computing hosting service, its capabilities, challenges associated with memory usage, backups, etc., and recommended use.

Cloud Tools: Testing with CloudTest

August 2, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik...
Learn what CloudTest is, its pros and cons, as well as recommended use.

Cloud Platforms: Smart Application Management with Rackspace

July 26, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik
This blog post reviews the capabilities Rackspace offers to various businesses and explores some challenges one may face when using it.

Cloud Tools: Real-Time Business Analytics with Mixpanel

July 8, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik...
This blog post focuses on Mixpanel—a real-time analytics service for tracking user behavior on your websites or applications.

Cloud Platforms: Take a Full Control over Your Environment with Plesk

July 6, 2010 | 0 Comments | Sergey Bushik
This blog post overviews the functionality of Plesk Cloud Management Platform, its advantages, and some challenges encountered.