HomeSolutionsAI-based temperature screening camera for Health and wellness centers

AI-based temperature screening camera for Health and wellness centers

Altoros offers a unique tool to facilitate prevention of the COVID-19 disease spread by means of advanced fever screening. Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), the system effectively responds to high body temperature and sends immediate alerts to help you act early.

AI-based temperature screening camera for Health and wellness centers

Fever Screener for Health and wellness centers

30 Days Trial
Step 2/2

Why AI-based temperature screening camera by Altoros

Traditional thermal cameras without AI

  • Detect high temperature across all visible objects, hindering from identifying individuals with fever
  • Unable to pinpoint the right spot on a human face, which affects the accuracy of temperature screening
  • Operate in a semi-automated mode, which results in inefficient target detection
  • No recurrent temperature measurements
  • A low measurement speed and limited coverage area

Fever Screener driven by AI

  • Efficiently identify people with fever
  • Achieve high accuracy (±0.3°С/±0.6°F) of temperature screening
  • Automatically recognize targets and send immediate alerts, eliminating human error
  • Recurrent temperature measurements of potentially infected people at specific time intervals
  • High measurement speed (up to 30 individuals screened simultaneously) and broad coverage area

Mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on your Health and wellness center and ensure the safety of your working environment. Preorder to learn more about Fever Screener.

Mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on your Health and wellness center and ensure the safety of your working environment. Preorder to learn more about Fever Screener.

The mass fever screening solution designed specifically for your Health and wellness centers

small-scale organizations

by the request

A dual thermal and video camera

Altoros’s AI-based system

Cloud data storage

Router POE

A processing box

Ethernet cables

Video streaming

A web application

System notifications and alerts

Reports with an export function

A user management module

An adjustable alert system based on custom triggers

SMS and e-mail notifications

On-demand customization

End-User License Agreement

For a single checkpoint

small-scale organizations

by the request

mid-, large-scale organizations

by the request

A dual thermal and video camera

Altoros’s AI-based system

Cloud data storage

Router POE

A processing box

Ethernet cables

Video streaming

A web application

System notifications and alerts

Reports with an export function

A user management module

An adjustable alert system based on custom triggers

SMS and e-mail notifications

On-demand customization

End-User License Agreement

For 1+ checkpoints

mid-, large-scale organizations

by the request

customizable for specific needs

by the request

A dual thermal and video camera

Altoros’s AI-based system

Cloud data storage

Router POE

A processing box

Ethernet cables

Video streaming

A web application

System notifications and alerts

Reports with an export function

A user management module

An adjustable alert system based on custom triggers

SMS and e-mail notifications

On-demand customization

End-User License Agreement

For government

customizable for specific needs

by the request

The mass fever screening solution designed specifically for your Health and wellness centers

For a single checkpoint

small-scale organizations

by the request

by the request

For 1+ checkpoints

mid-, large-scale organizations

by the request

by the request

For government

customizable for specific needs

by the request

by the request

A dual thermal and video camera

on-demand quantity

on-demand quantity

Altoros’s AI-based system

Cloud data storage

Router POE

A processing box

Ethernet cables

Video streaming

A web application

System notifications and alerts

Reports with an export function

A user management module

An adjustable alert system based on custom triggers

SMS and e-mail notifications

On-demand customization

End-User License Agreement

Temperature screening camera use cases

Cafes and Restaurants
Health and wellness centers
Sport and entertainment
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Cafes and Restaurants

Cafes and Restaurants

Health and wellness centers

Health and wellness centers

Sport and entertainment

Sport and entertainment









More solutions to prevent the COVID-19 spread in Health and wellness centers

UV Disinfection Robot

Operating in a semiautomatic mode, the robot with inbuilt UV lights disinfects rooms and surfaces. With motion sensors, the system distinguishes humans from other visible objects to prevent damage to human health. The robot effectively destroys harmful microorganisms, causing the COVID-19 disease.

UVC Disinfection Station

UVC Disinfection Station is designed for the needs of the transportation and hospitality industries to ensure 98% virus protection. The solution can be installed in private vehicles and public transport—both intercity and intracity—as well as restaurants, hotels, sports centers, and any other recreational or entertainment zones. The system is easily operated via an application that enables simultaneous disinfection of multiple objects. Install UVC Disinfection Station to safeguard your customers and employees, while significantly reducing expenses and human efforts involved.

More solutions to prevent the COVID-19 spread in Health and wellness centers

Request free trial

Alexey Betimirzaev

Alexey Betimirzaev

Chief business development officer, Alarta (559) 640 7141

4900 Hopyard Rd. Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588